Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Update to post: Birthday Hints for Dad!!

I am here to put in an additional request......please include me and my hubby Billy in this b-day cruise. In fact DADDY :), don't you think it would be a great birthday gift for all your beautiful daughters and their husbands to go with you and mom on a cruise to the Caribbean? Of coarse you taking us could be all of our birthday gifts. This could be my birthday gift for the next few years. Just think of the great memories we could have TOGETHER FOREVER as a family!! I am just asking and would be ecstatic to help plan and organize such a memory filled time! Love you daddy!


Cheryl said...

My chances are getting paler and paler with every added word.

As the Beatles would say: Let it Be!

Krista said...

Sorry Brianne!! This is just a family affair... they decided to take everyone that lives in there home with them!! So you know what that means... Bon Voyage!! Mom, Dad and I will send you a post card!! I LOVE being an ONLY child...hehe!!