Friday, October 10, 2008

I vote for Mattison!!

This video will demonstrate why my 3 year old daughter Mattison would be a better candidate for President than Obama. First of all you will notice she puts her hand on her heart! Second she says the pledge of allegiance because she knows we need to honor this beautiful country we live in. At the age of 3 she is already learning that in this country we need to honor those men and women who have fought and continue to fight for our freedoms in this promised land. I am so proud to hear my 3 year old say the pledge and know that you smile and touch you heart in gratitude. Vote for Mattison! You will need to pause the music at the very bottom of the screen and you will need to turn the volume up because she talks a little soft. Enjoy, I know I did!


Cheryl said...

She's so blasted cute!!!!! I vote for her. She's the best candidate!

Tara said...

GO Mattie!!! That was awesome! I'd vote for her!

barryblog said...

She has my vote!!

Linda's Latest said...

What are her views on the economy and health care? Does she have any earmarks? (whatever that means). Oh heck, I'm sure her views are better than anyone of the candidates running, I'll vote for her!

Laura Blue said...

she's got my vote as well. she did a great job! i can't believe she knows all the words already, that's amazing!

Krista said...

I would vote for Matti Moo!! You did AWESOME Matti!!

Lacey said...

That is so cute! I love listening to little kids say the pledge. I vote for Mattie!

Gates & Tausha said...

my vote is in!!!!

Brooke said...

Oh how cute! I'll vote for her over Obama anyday!!!

The Pritchard Party said...

I vote for Mattison too. I think I'll write her name in on the ballot. :o) As for you missy, WHEN are you going to accept my blog invitation already!?