Today I am sitting at the computer reading all of the many blogs that I follow and they all seem to have a similar theme, "Inspiration". First off I want to thank those who wrote such inspiring words on their blog to share with me and everyone else who reads their blog. I just want to keep record of a few things I have felt today and recently.
1. Live
each day as if it could be your last
You never know when something may happen to you or your loved ones. If you ever get that random thought to call someone you love just to say hi, take that opportunity. You may never know why you
received that feeling but please know it most likely was not without reason. I believe there is a God above who
sees the greater picture and he may see that what that loved one needs is a hello call from you.
2. Prioritize
Know that it is important to chose
each day what REALLY needs to be done. I know I should be picking up the house or doing the dishes or mopping my floors but I also know it is more important that I sit and read some books with my girls and read from the Friend magazine with them so we can talk about how to be more like Jesus. I know it is more important for me to teach my girls about my love for their daddy than having the clean clothes folded as soon as they come out of the dryer. I am learning that maybe I will be up a little later today because I chose to do those things with my kids or my husband but to me it is a price worth paying.
3. Taking time to fill my bucket
I have learned that for me to be a better mom I have to take time for me too. I used to feel it was sort of selfish but I have learned differently now. I know that if I don't take just a few minutes for myself each day that I will be a little less patient mother with my girls or even myself or I am more negative throughout the day. I find that even if it is only for 10 minutes to read a story from the Ensign or just laying on my bed thinking about how much I love my family that I will be a better mom for the rest of the day.
4. I AM RESPONSIBLE for MY choices
God has given us our free agency to choose. That means we have to chose ALL things for ourselves. What I mean by that is I have to chose what I am going to be in this life. How I make choices now will reflect who I am later. Now is it my choice if someone hits my car in the parking lot? No, but it is my choice how I will respond to the action. I am going to strive each day to take more responsibility for my choices. No one else can make your choices for you because in the end it is your attitude that will make the difference. I learned this important message of taking responsibility by listening to a motivational speaker. He also said the opposite of responsiblity is excuses. He said to increase your value and ability every day. "If it's to be it's up to ME!"
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who helps me grow every day. I am especially grateful for a Savior who paid the price for me and all of my errors. Also for all of my sorrows and weakness. In the Book of Mormon in Moroni 12:27 it says "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
It is ok to have those weaknesses but it is learning to be humble to make those weak things strong things strong that is important. God bless you mom's and every person who wants to be better.