Kylee is my little climber! She loves to keep me on my toes. :) She had just finished eating dinner so she was striped down to her diaper to save her clothes from being destroyed. I left her and Mattie for 2 seconds to get the bath water on. This is what I came back to find.... Do you see why we call her a monkey??? So you also like how she is looking at me like "What? This is normal." Good thing your cute Kylee bug!!! Love you!!!
So I'm so glad I can finally do my post on welcoming my newest nephew to the world! I had to wait for his mommy to feel good enough to do the official announcement on her blog first. Seriously he is so adorable!! Is he not the cutest burrito baby?!?! He just laid there asleep holding my finger so tight! I loved it so much! He was obviously laying across my round pregnant belly and it was hilarious because Brayden (my little guy in the tummy) was kicking Parker right where he was laying on me. Brayden was kicking so hard it was actually making Parker stir awake. I'm sure Brayden was just saying "Hi" and he would see him in a little while! I'm so excited they will be so close in age! I wish I could have held him longer but after only a few minutes of holding him the nurse came to check him and then more visitors came so I still need a little more one on one time with my little nephew! Good job Erin and Steve!! He is so a keeper! I love you Parker McKay!!!
So today I have felt a strong desire to share something very important. This post is mainly for me to put my thoughts down in writing and for the day when my kids read it. I want my kids and their kids and all of my family to know of my gratitude for my Savior and Redeemer even the Lord Jesus Christ. Today we had a return missionary speak in our ward. He had only been off his mission like 4 days. As he was sharing his mission experiences and his testimony my heart was burning with the spirit. I felt such a strong conformation from the spirit telling me that what he was sharing was true. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the Holy Ghost. It is through the promptings and whisperings of the spirit that I can tell with 100% conviction that the gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth today. That we have a living prophet today who leads and guides our church through divine revelation from our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I KNOW that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that everything in this precious book that we read is true. Every answer we would need from our Heavenly Father can be found in the scriptures. He speaks to us in many ways. He speaks to us in personal ways and we just have to have an open heart to hear it. I am so blessed to know that I can be with my family for ETERNITY! This gives me great peace of mind. I look forward to the day when I can be reunited with loved ones who have already left this earth. My prayer is that I can be a better example to those around me of all these important truths that I know to be true!
I LOVE MY SISTERS!! So yesterday I went with my girls to see my parents since they had just go back from San Diego. On my way over to my parents I called my sister Erin's salon to schedule a VERY much need hair appointment before she went on maternity leave. They told me she was booked sold until her leave. I was so sad!! I talked to Erin and she said she would call if she had any openings all of sudden. She told me that my sister Tara and both my parents still needed appointments too. Oh boy! Lucky for me, Tara and my parents Erin had a cancellation that allowed all of us to get in that same day. Tara and I hopped in my car and drove to the salon. Luckily my parents said they would watch my girls and then when they had to leave to come to their appointment Krista said she would watch the kids until we got back. I'm SO grateful to Krista and my parents for watching my girls and Tara's kids so we could get our hair done! It meant a ton to me. Thank you!!! Thank you Erin for calling right away and fitting us all into your busy day!! Also thank you for being so gifted at what you do. When Erin colors my hair it takes 2 bottles of color and even more color to pull it through to the ends of my hair. I have VERY thick, coarse hair so it takes a lot to get my hair done. She always says she has to do 2 separate hair cuts on me when she does my hair. 1 cut for trimming length the 2nd cut for thinning my hair so it is manageable. One time when she was shampooing my hair she got it all wet so she could put shampoo in it. When she went to rub the shampoo around she felt that the whole center of my scalp was COMPLETELY dry! That was a moment when Erin realized a little more what I go through to wash and dry my hair each time. hee, hee I think it was a fun day at the salon with my 2 sisters. Tara was able to be Erin's assistant and helped put color on my hair. Tara seemed to have a lot of fun with that. I enjoyed the one on one time with Tara in the car. We talked about different things. Nothing huge or important but nice because we were together. So this is a big, HUGE love shout out to all my sisters! Thanks for all you do for me and I LOVE YOU!!!
So the past couple days Kylee has really been loving on Mattison. She is wanting Mattie to hold her and love on her. It is so cute! So I decided to take a couple pictures of these precious moments because unfortunately it isn't always this way and now I can have documentation that they do love each other even if it isn't EVERY second of everyday. :) This was last night when we were having dinner (pre-bath as you can tell by their crazy hair and messy faces). Kylee had been sitting in her seat but decided she wanted to sit on Mattie's lap and have Mattie feed her. It was really funny! Then this was this morning when Kylee had woke up from a brief nap. Apparently she just wanted her sister. She went to Mattie and had her hold her while they watched a movie together. I just love these great little moments! I needed to remember how adorable they are, especially today as it has been a more difficult day. Kylee woke up this morning at 5:35 and Mattie woke up at 5:45. Why you ask.......good question!!! I pray it doesn't happen tomorrow!! :) Don't worry baby girls mommy still loves you (this should be obvious since we are all still alive today. hee, hee)
When Mattison was 9 months old I was diagnosed with cancer and so literally one day I had to stop nursing her cold turkey. It was hard on me and Mattison but Mattie found a way to comfort herself. She started sucking on her soft pink blankie and that was that. She sucked it anytime she was sad, mad, happy, tired or sick! I couldn't get it away from her. We were finally able to start weening her from the blankie slowly. It couldn't leave the car, then couldn't leave the house then finally she could only have it in her room. Right before we left for San Diego Mattie and I sat down and had the bye, bye blankie talk. She said "Yeah I don't need blankie I'm a big girl." If I knew it would have been that easy I would have done it a long time ago. I explained to her that blankie would stay home while we were on vacation then when we came back she could wrap it up in a pretty box where it would stay FOREVER!!! Once again she was all on board. So here are the pictures of Mattie saying goodbye to her precious blankie. (Honestly though I think Billy will miss her blankie more than Mattie will. Whenever she would get so mad and he couldn't get her to calm down he would just tell her to go get blankie and calm down. hee, hee) I should have taken pictures of Billy saying bye, bye to blankie. :) You will notice I put packing tape around the box so it couldn't be opened. ha, ha I also loved how she signed it :) Way to go big girl!! Mommy is so proud of you!! Yes Billy I am proud of you too!
This is how the girls traveled to San Diego. Thank goodness! We left for Cali at 4am right after Billy got home from work so that the girls would sleep most of the trip. Fun times with the family!! I missed this sweet thing so much! Fun times at the beach!!!! We couldn't get mom's nose out of this great book! :) This is what happens to the children after such eventful days. You'll notice the youngest and smallest takes up the most part of the bed! :) This is Krista on her 27th birthday at a yummy mexican restraunt we love to go to when we are in San Diego. It is in Old Town and it is yummy! The only down fall was the wait for our food was so long but oh well. This was a very successful vacation! I'm already looking forward to next year's trip to San Diego. Plus by then our little man will be with us!! Yahoo!
So I am moving to San Diego!! Ok not really but I would if I could. At least while I was pregnant. :) I am so hot with this pregnancy and so the AZ heat is killing me. I have now been in Cali for 8 days and wish I could stay until baby Brayden comes to join our family but that is just not going to happen. The weather is perfect here. It has been in the 70's with a light breeze. BEAUTIFUL!!! We are returning home tomorrow late. We plan on driving during the night so that the girls will sleep. We had a wonderful 4th of July. Mattison was in a little bike parade and she loved it. She said at the end "Mommy my knees hurt." She said that but she was still smiling. We have enjoyed our time together with family and look forward to next year. Pictures will be posted later. Sorry it is just not easy to post pictures when you are using someone else's computer. Happy trails!!
So me and the girls are in Cali having a wonderful time enjoying the beautiful weather. I can actually function being pregnant in this weather! :) The bummer part of the deal here though is that my hubby had to leave after day 3 to return to work for 4 days. He has been gone 2 days now and I am REALLY missing him. My heart goes out to single parents I don't know how you do it. I just want to tell my husband that I love him sooooo much and I am counting down the days and hours until you are here with us again. My husband is a very involved daddy and a very loving husband. He rubs my back ever night before I go to bed. He actually called me today and said he misses rubbing my back at night. He is so sweet! I love you honey!!!! XOXO (the X's are for kisses and the O's are for hugs-what movie is that from Billy?) Miss you and love you!!!